22 June 2005

Playlist Juni 3/2005 "Party"

Pünktlich zur Outdoor-Saison. Musik für Parties im Park und anderswo.

1. "Rock The Parti" - Gold Chains
2. "You Were A Party" - 764-Hero
3. "Cemetary Party" - Air
4. "Psychedelic Dance Party" - Anna Oxygen
5. "Some Party" - The Constantines
6. "Blue Party" - Jacques
7. "It's Party Time" - Lisa Germano
8. "Party Time" - Phoenix
9. "Party Hard" - Pulp
10. "Party" - Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartett (OST Requiem for a Dream)
11. "Party Weirdo" - Moloko
12. "The Singleman Party Foxtrot" - Simon & Garfunkel
13. "Absinthe Party At The Fly Honey Warehouse" - Minus The Bear
14. "Death Of A Party" - Blur
15. "22 Parties" - June Panic
16. "The Funeral Party" - The Cure

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